Easy Diets

Easy Diets


Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig (click for full review) is one of the most widely recognized weight loss programs in the U.S. and Canada. This is a calorie based meal delivery plan which includes 28 days worth of food delivered to your home (or if dieters are close to a Jenny Craig diet center they can pick up the food). Along with consuming low-calorie pre-packaged meals, dieters are required to incorporate fresh fruit and vegetables into their diet for added nutrients. Dieters are allowed to enjoy the occasional splurge treat (to make the diet easier to sustain) and have access to 24 hour diet counseling.

I Love This Diet
I Love This Diet (click for full review) is a cost-conscious, low calorie diet meal plan that shows dieters a nutritionally correct way to shed pounds by eating frozen entrees from Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and Weight Watchers Smart Ones, along with Progresso Soups.  In addition to consuming frozen meals, dieters are required to incorporate fruits, vegetables and daily dairy servings. I Love This Diet allows a daily 100 calorie indulgence as well. How does it work? Dieters are assigned one of four calorie levels of between 1300 and 1600 calories per day, based on their current weight. As they lose weight, their calorie level changes accordingly. 

Nutrisystem (click for full review) is a widely used portion controlled diet that employs shelf-stable (pouched, non-refrigerated) foods as its core items. While on Nutrisystem dieters won’t eat 3 large meals, instead they’ll consume several small meals over the course of the day to continually burn calories. The diet offers various plan options, some of which include frozen entrees. You’ll receive 28 days worth of food in one shipment.

Bistro MD
Not all meal delivery plans are created equal. Especially not BistroMD. Dieters dine exclusively on low carb, low calorie chef designed meals from the company.  Each meal was created to meet the nutritional guidelines set by Dr. Caroline J. Cedarhurst to ensure the proper balance of nutrients needed to lose weight. There are various delivery options to choose from, but no matter what plan you choose, you can expect a delivery of food each week.  The plan is popular weight loss choice because it offers gourmet-style meals like Spinach and Feta Stuffed Chicken Breast, but often the cost of $850 a month including shipping fees discourages many weight loss seekers. 

Most people know eDiet (click for full review) for their food delivery program, but the food delivery has been discontinued. eDiets is now a membership website that provides diet menus and other tools.

The Instinct Diet
This Instinct Diet teaches you to tap into some of the most common eating habits and lean just how to control them. The result? Up to a 15 pound weight loss. This diet requires you to select a calorie level (from 1200 - 1800 calories) based upon your starting weight. As for food, there’s no requirement to cook while on The Instinct Diet. Instead dieters dine on grab-and-go meals, like sandwiches, nuts and fruit as they follow the outlined diet menu plan. The three stage diet is involves incorporating hunger-suppressing foods (Stage One, two weeks), putting good eating habits into practice (Stage Two, six weeks), and adding exercise as well as other elements that help you keep off the weight (Stage Three).

trending article: How to Lose Weight Using Frozen Meals from Your Supermarket!
Too busy to prepare your own low calorie meals? This affordable dietitian-designed program will save you time and money. You'll eat specially-chosen frozen meals from popular brands that you'll buy in your supermarket. When you're not in the mood for a frozen entree, you'll eat salads and low calorie recipes.